Rebecca + Dexter : NODA - Charlotte

Alright y'all - here comes that VULNERABILITY STRUGGLE BUS AGAIN! BEEP BEEP!

As you read in my last post, I want to try on this photographer hat and see if I'm any good at it.  My friend, Rebecca has been a huge supporter of this new hat, and volunteered as tribute.  As part of my New Year's resolution, I'm aiming to do 10 FREE sessions for ANYONE who wants to let me snap away at them.  You want some free pics?  Holler.  I'm 1 down - with 9 to go and need some practice under my belt.

Now before you look at these pics and start judging my newbieness - let me tell you first that after her shoot, I decided that I don't care about what I did wrong or right.  What I care about now that these pics are off my camera, is how Rebecca's inner beauty shined in these photos.  In fact, let me tell you why Rebecca is beautiful, and those reasons have nothing to do with how she looks in a pic.

Rebecca is kind.  She is thoughtful.  She is sensitive.  She is hard-working.  She is determined.  She is brave.  Rebecca is one of the only females I know, if not the ONLY female I know, that has moved to state after state, all over this country, ALL BY HERSELF.  To places she knew NO ONE.  I think that is SO brave.  I haven't moved more than 30 minutes outside of my hometown because I'm a big, fat chicken!  And that little cute doggie of hers - that's Dexter.  He's moved all those places with her.  He's been on so many planes, he should be accruing Frequent Flyer Miles.

Ok - now that you've read all my pre-viewing-notes, you can take a gander. 

