Mixing Glitter - Part 1.
Photo by: Stephanie Ramsey |
Recently I’ve been on the struggle bus trying to figure out how transparent I want to be with my life, with my kids, with my businesses. I’ve gotten off Facebook, I deleted my old Twitter, my Instagram is now private, and I erased my old blog, “Glitter, Y’all” – did any of you used to read it?
And now I miss writing. I miss
I could try to recap my last couple of years but they have been such a
whirlwind that 1-2 sentences just won’t work.
THAT story is a post all its on!
Mixing Glitter was a close second to the name of this blog for a lot of reasons.
I'm a big lover of metaphors – and when I imagine my life, my brain, my passions, my family – I imagine it like mixing glitter. Just put that image in your mind. Four or five beautiful, different colored glitters all being poured onto a big, fat canvas covered in glue. It’s beautiful. It’s messy. The glitter is everywhere. But oh man – it’s so pretty.
It took a while to decide to write this blog because I couldn’t find my
purpose. Rather, I couldn’t pin-point
my one purpose. I couldn’t pick just one
glitter to write about. It just felt
messy. So – screw it. I’m going to write about it all. Glitter IS messy!
On the personal side, I have a 2 and a half year old with my ex. I am about to marry a man with 2 sons, ages 5
and 7, from his previous marriage. And I can
find blogs aplenty with traditional, nuclear families - the kind of family ours is not.
When Rob (my almost hubby) and I first began merging our families, Iwanted needed to talk to others in similar
situations. I either have
friends in their upper 20s who have successful careers and are single. Or, I have friends that have been married in
the 5 years or less range with maybe 1 kid.
I don’t really know anyone who is recently divorced, remarried, or who has a kid
with their ex-boyfriend. Blended families was a new world for me.
When Rob (my almost hubby) and I first began merging our families, I
I searched for blogs without much luck.
I wanted to find another girl my age who had a full-time career, and
was trying to balance her personal life, work life, and was mixing life with
another family. I wanted someone to tell
me this hard stuff is normal. I wanted
someone to tell me I was doing something right. I just wanted a tribe of people who were in my boat, or who had been in
my boat in the last decade. This is what first made me want
to start blogging again - so that the girl that is mixing her own glitters for her own beautiful, messy, blended family will have a support system in me.
xo - Ava
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